Our main objective is to support churches and pastors to grow and thrive within the Baptist movement of gospel renewal (with the five core values: robust leadership, growing disciples, healthy resources, effective mission and authentic worship).
The Northern priorities are:
- Walking together: To become a collective of 100+ faith communities growing together in maturity and unity.
- Everyone a witness: “Every faith community nurtures deep discipleship, which yields people of all ages, who actively speak about Jesus and live for Jesus.”
- Partnering with Māori for gospel renewal.
- Growing our leadership base: “We will actively identify and nurture leadership from among our attendees from children’s ministry to ‘pew’ who have leadership traits or potentials.”
- Transition Planning: “We will relationally and actively assist pastors and churches in their transition journey.”
The Northern Baptist Association Faith Community Resourcing Framework
The heart of our model is that our Northern faith communities should thrive. We see three layers within our movement which can support this.
- Clusters and Coaching churches
- The staff team at NBA, and
- The national support centre – The BU, Carey and NZBMS teams.