In this column, we discover more about our Baptist whu0101nau, meeting someone in our team of 40,000 each post. This week we are getting to know Kelly Enright, Engagement and Communications Manager at Arotahi.
What is something you think everyone should experience at least once in their life?
India. It will change ya life in the best kind of way. (Or a Burleigh pie in Blenheim!)
If you could be a pro at any one thing, what would it be?
Thatu2019s a super hard one to answer. Maybe a pro trail runner? I love how much you see/learn about creation when trail running and taking in the views after a hard slog. Or a pro chef! I love food a lot.
What is a random interest that has completely nothing to do with your study or work?
I love learning, so my interests vary quite a bit depending on what Iu2019m learning about. Something random Iu2019m interested in at the moment is furoshiki - which is the traditional Japanese way of fabric wrapping/transporting goods. I think if we all learned a bit of furoshiki, we could cut out a looot of plastic from our lives.
What is the oddest fact you know?
In 16th century Constantinople, not providing your wife with enough coffee was grounds for divorce. I reckon I can understand that.
What is the most boring thing youu2019ve ever done?
I used to work for a craft brewery, and one night we had a huge order to get through, so I stuck labels on beer bottles for around 14 hours straight. Character building, as they say.
What is your favourite way of connecting with God?
Hmm. Places in creation where the air is thin - in the bush, next to the coastline. God feels closer there. I love connecting with God through words. Writing or reading is when I hear God speak most clearly.
Can you describe a significant moment when you experienced Godu2019s love?
My Dad was sick in his late 20s, and after chemo, he was told he couldnu2019t have any more kids. Godu2019s love allowed me to be born 10 years later (and my sister 6 years prior). I also experience Godu2019s love daily through my family - they are my favourite group of people in the world.
What is your favourite thing about the neighbourhood where you live?
We live in a little block of units, so my unit neighbours are the best part. We share food and prayers and car rides etc. I love that thereu2019s always someone around to chat with or borrow peanut butter from.
What do you love most about being Baptist?
It would have to be the charism of each Baptist church - that they have the ability to be who God created them to be in their local context. Thereu2019s room to breathe out and experiment, depending on who is in the church and who your neighbours are. When you look at the diversity of the global Baptist church, that is distinctly evident. And itu2019s pretty beautiful to be a tiny part of it.
Photo taken by friend and colleague of Kelly's, the extraordinary Jared Buckley
Want to read more from Kelly? Check out some of her articles on Baptist NZ:
New year reflections from the cell
Welcoming Arotahi: A united focus on Christ